Set One:
| Beards | Destiny, She Drives a Rolls | M'Lady | Don't Let Me Down [The Beatles] | Crossroads | Modern Age | Poet (Who Didn't Know It) | Hell-Bent Woman | Soul Shaker | Prelude / 7 Eleven | Chosen Ones | Angel [Aerosmith] / To the Next Episode / Baba O'Reilly [The Who] (partial) |
Set Two:
| Veronica | I'm a Bad Mamma Jamma (Who Works at Wendy's) | Refrigerator | Mystic Princess | Fluffy Little Hands | Time [Pink Floyd] | Happy Birthday | Moon Over the Water | Stan | Jumpstart My Rocket | All the Young Dudes [David Bowie] | Heaven's Just a Mystery |
| Handlebar Mustache |
It seems hard to believe, but this was the first time we've played in Fargo since Beards was released. I actually went back and double-checked, because it didn't seem right. But alas it is correct. We had neglected our beloved Fargo for far too long before tonight.
So we called up our ol' pals The San Haven Chuckle and said, "Whaddaya say? Shall we do this thing?" They said "Sure, I guess," and we united to do that thang.
The Chuckle played first and wetted the collective whistle of the audience. Or maybe they whetted the audience's appetite for more rock. Wet/whet, it doesn't matter. They were magnificent as always and left the crowd wanting more. And by design, we were there to give them more right away. We're so clever.
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Selfie with Dillon! |
When they were done, we made our way onstage and ripped into it. It was only fitting, since we hadn't been here since the release of Beards, that we start the show with "Beards," which we did. It got 'er started out right. We also pulled out our new-ish cover of "Don't Let Me Down" by the four lads from Liverpool. Anthony introduced it by saying, "If you know this one, sing it. That's what your lungs and vocal chords are for, dummy!" Dustin and I backed him up by both saying, "Yeah, you turkeys!"
Since this was the first time we've had Beards CDs in Fargo, Anthony and I took this opportunity to advertise: "All these songs are available to purchase! Five dollars for a CD, three CDs!" I interjected, "Now I would expect to pay upward around forty dollars for a product of that value." "That's what I would think too, Tony," he replied. "But every purchase now comes with a Ginsu Knife!" There were no takers. We still have a truckload of Ginsu Knives in our garage. Pity.
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Selfie with Anthony! |
Some lascivious person couldn't control their desires and shouted out, "Anthony! Show us your dick!" All faces in the establishment immediately turned to Anthony. He let it go in awkward silence before saying, "Somebody wanted to see my penis! There was a request out there." But luckily, he kept his tallywhacker to himself. There were no public exposures.
It's been so long since we've been in Fargo that not only did we release an album, but we began working on a new one. So we played the first song off the new project "7 Eleven." During said song, the gentleman from the Chuckle, along with their/our friend Jack gave the traditional showing of the full moons. As usual, we acknowledged this with grace and gratitude. "I want to give a special thanks to the fine young gentlemen," I said, "that show us what we want to see every time." Anthony added that it is a prerequisite to playing a show together.
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Selfie with Dustin! |
Tonight we repeated what we did in Aberdeen a few weeks ago. We played "Angel" by Aerosmith and incorporated our long-lost hit "To the Next Episode" into it. And much in the "Episode" tradition, I even through a little bit of another song into it by singing "teenage wasteland, it's only teenage wasteland" over the "Angel" chord progression. Classic Junebug. Though, it may have been lost on our audience since our "Episode" antics have somewhat dwindled in recent years.
We took a brief break and returned to rock them proper. But first, we opened the second set with a new one from Stan, "Veronica." After that, we pulled out "Bad Mamma Jamma" - an old Fargo favorite. The rock continued. The dancing happened. During "Mystic Princess" we got even more Chuckle Butt (with Jack's butt included), one-by-one-by-one.
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Selfie with myselfie. |
I had several family members there tonight. Many of them live in Fargo. But we called out my niece Allisyn in particular because as of midnight (technically May 25) it was her golden birthday. In honor of this, we busted out a rare a capella version of "Happy Birthday." This was much in the style of our barbershop performances of "Hello Ma Baby" from years ago. I think it went well, though a few people in the crowd may have mentioned that it was a little "off." You'd have to ask them. I gave her a hug and told her I love her. And we moved on.
We introduced our last song, "Heaven's Just a Mystery," in which Anthony described it as a song about "where does our soul go when you die? It doesn't go to Dunkin' Donuts." "Speak for yourself," I interjected. We played the song, with the extended jam at the end; ethereal, ambient, dreamy, with a long, live fadeout. When it was evident that the song was over, the sound engineer turned on the house music. We awkwardly remained on stage. Anthony went to the mic and addressed the engineer. "Sorry, we planned on doing an encore. I know we said it's our last tune, but then the house music came up." He paused. "Now we seem like that ex that's calling after you broke up." We finished with "Handlebar Mustache." For real that time.
Don't break up with us, Fargo. We love you, baby.