Tonight, we arrived to a packed Wild Oats. We thought this was a very good thing. That there would be a lot of people there to hear our rock. We came in about forty minutes before our start time and began tuning and gearing up for the show. Well, it turns out that tonight was some big night in the world of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. And those UFC fans take their stuff very seriously. Some dude came up to us and asked, "What the hell are you doing?" Well, we were getting ready to start our set at the start time we were told. "We're watching a fight here. You better not interrupt that." There were other such welcoming comments, and even a threat in one case. One of the members of our band was told that our asses would be kicked if we started playing. So... yeah. Pretty serious about their stuff. Needless to say, we waited until the match was over. No asses were kicked in the making of this show. There was a bigger crowd tonight, at least at the start. The fight fans stuck around long enough to finish their steak, potatoes and beers. As a bonus, they got some of our tunes. To start the show, Anthony announced that now was the time to place your bets, because Junebug would be having a no-holds barred, ultimating fighting match ourselves. Maybe asses would be kicked after all... by ourselves! The show started off well. Our friend Scott Waltman was one of the people who was totally into it, and we encourage that. Not everyone was so into it, however. After we played "Jumpstart My Rocket," one of our more energetic songs, there was nearly no response from the mostly unattentive crowd. Well, just like last night, we caught their attention with "The Ocean" by Led Zeppelin. Again, like last night, "Episode" took over, fully baffling the patrons in attendance. Afterward, Anthony explained that "You never know when the Episode's gonna strike. It could show up anywhere!" Sometimes in shows we like to transition seamlessly from one song to another, just to keep things moving along. Tonight we attempted a seamless transition between "Rapper's Delight" and "Clone You." Let me tell you, there were seams. And they were ripped. Not the best idea we've ever had. Let's see if that ever happens again. Anthony caught the crowd's attention once again by shouting, "Who here likes Ween!?!" Massive cheers. "No, no," I interrupted, "WeeN, with an N." The cheers subsided. Anthony said, "Well, I like that, too, people, but we're going to play some Ween right now." Then some dude yelled out, "Play some Slayer!" Yeah. "We wish," Anthony sheepishly replied. We played "Piss Up a Rope" and dedicated it to Randee from Wild Oats. He plays in a country band, and it's a country song. Dan Cleberg showed up tonight to shoot some footage of us for a documentary he's working on. He's taking a look at the Aberden music scene and comparing the bands he looks at to different types of hot sauces. It sounds odd, but it'll all make sense in context. So he shot about ten minutes of footage of us from different songs and hopefully we'll make the cut. "Bullet In Your Head" was dedicated to Scott Waltman tongiht, since he stuck around and he digs that tune. In the words of the immortal Randy Jackson, "Good lookin' out." Before our final song tonight, Dustin wished to thank the venue. "From UFC to country bands, you've got it all, Wild Oats." We then proceeded to play the money medley, because, as we said, "Foget about the music and artistic integrity. We don't need that crap." It's all about the CASH, people. All about the cash. Dan's raw footage from tonight
11 years ago
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