Cheapo Discs
Minneapolis, Minn.
| Clone You |
| Spring Fever | I'm a Poet (Who Didn't Know It) | I'm a Bad MammaJamma (Who Works at Wendy's) | M'Lady | Moon Over the Water | Place | Chosen Ones | Good Vibes | Aphrodite | Jumpstart My Rocket |
Our first performance at Cheapo Discs in Uptown Minneapolis went swimmingly, as they say. Sadly, there was a miscommunication and the camera crew was not there to tape for the television broadcast. He is on vacation, we were told. However, we were told it would be totally fine to reschedule another show, since the taping was one of the main reasons we wanted to play this particular show. So be on the lookout for that.
Cheapo Uptown is kind of like a giant four-walled warehouse, with the stage set up in one of the far corners. It's pretty sweet. We were able to play at our normal volume, but customers could still shop at their liesure. It was pretty interesting playing in a retail setting. Most of the people weren't there to see music, they were there to purchase it. However, a number of customers came up to the stage to watch us for awhile. We also had friends there, which was nice.
Our set consisted mostly of Share tracks, since we were promoting our album at a store that sells our album. We also threw in Bad MammaJamma and Jumpstart My Rocket. Because face it, they rock.
An observation I (tony) had was that good, energetic, fun sets are pretty much the rule now, not an exception. It seems that probably 95% of the time we come off stage and congratulate each other on how great the show felt and how awesome the energy was and how much fun we had. Even when there aren't a lot of people in attendance. Each time this happens, it feels as if this show was an oasis in a desert of suck, when in reality, they all have been feeling great. It was just something I noticed, based on my own feelings, of course.
On to Stasiu's in just a few hours, to play a second show in the same night.
How "rock 'n' roll" are we, right?
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