| Come Together [The Beatles] | Good Vibes | Rush Hour | Like a Spy (Not the Stalker) | Place | Destiny, She Drives a Rolls |
And so it was that we descended upon Aberdeen yet again for a Junestravaganza! The original plan was to have a festival of local Aberdeen music, hosted by Junebug in the Melgaard Park bandshell. As it turns out, the bandshell has been condemned and it's roped off with caution tape. Thankfully, the City of Aberdeen, who granted us the permit for the festival, provided their mobile stage in lieu of the original plan. It worked out. Aberdeen provided some really great local acts, and we're really glad they could all gather on one stage to share the day.
On the Junebug side of things, when we took the stage, we took the stage with our brand spankin' new, sparkly, shiny bassist, Travis Lorentson. He's a great fit. He's got the musicianship, the vibe, the groove, and the right attitude, humor and personality to survive us miscreants.
This afternoon's set was short and sweet. We intend to rock it to the fullest tonight at Slackers. However, we did have a very good set. Aberdeen heard "Rush Hour" for the first time this afternoon. Anthony introduced it by pointing out that there is no rush hour in Aberdeen. There IS rush hour in Minneapolis, and according his eloquent words: "It sucks."
We whipped out "Stalker" for the first time in a long time. It would have been dedicated to my mother-in-law Diane, had she been there. But she wasn't. And I guess we dedicated it to her anyway. It's her favorite song of ours.
You know, we actually intended the set to be even shorter than it was. But as it went, we decided to extend it. We threw in a rare performance of "Place." It's a been awhile since that one reared its beautiful head. And we finished with "Destiny." Good, solid little set.
It was a beautiful day in the park. Blue sky, without a cloud, sun shining, beautiful humans sitting in the grass. It was a dream. Thank you, Aberdeen. AGAIN.
11 years ago